Isn’t It Funny?

Isn't it funny how one seemingly small event can change the course of your whole day? Like how reading one line can change everything? Well today is that day for me. It kinda breaks my heart a little. The doc thinks I have a condition…Seriously, it's nothing life threatening or even really that serious. There are defiantly much, much worse things I could have been told I have. But it's really starting to wear on me and on us, it's stressful, and it makes Forrest and I get our hopes up, and when nothing happens, like this morning… it just plain out sucks. I'm trying really hard to be positive, and realize that everything happens for a reason, but some days…like today, it's hard to tell myself that's what I need to think. I think what I really want more than anything is just a peace about the whole situation, or closure… or both. It would make everything a lot easier to deal with if I knew that there was a means to an end. So all three readers, I'm asking that you say a little prayer for Forrest and I, that we have the patience and understanding to deal with everything we have going on at the moment. 

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